Where to find me ....

Hello, Friends!

If you’re looking for me here, I’ve moved on. Currently, I can’t say if it’s temporary or if it’s for good.

I’m still out there, however, and if you’re interested, you can find me at the following sites:

You DO NOT need a subscription or account to access Substack. All of my content is currently free. When you click on the link, it will ask you to register, but you can click the NO THANKS button and be taken to the content page. The only difference subscribing makes is you’ll get an email when I post. That’s it!

I’m not sure if you can access Instagram without an account or not. I know FBk made it impossible to see posts on their platform if you don’t have an account (which is fine by me); not sure if Insta has done the same. BUT if you’re over there (or want to see if you can wander about without being able to comment) I’m there!

OH! I also have a nifty little thing called a Link Tree. It’s one address to remember that will link you to everything I’m doing. Currently it’s pretty bland but that will change:


You can always shoot me a good, old fashioned email if you like! It’s nice to get something that’s not promotional :D
jstantonchandler (at) gmail (dot) com


That’s it! I’d love to see you at any of those sites. If not, no worries. Believe me, I totally understand! I’m working on a few good things right now and keeping up a website just wasn’t helping my creativity. However, if and when the time comes to reboot a place in cyberspace, I’ll announce it on one of those platforms.

And if I may be so bold as to borrow from Garrison Keillor:

“Be well, do good work and keep in touch!”

I wish you all the best,
Jen x